Tuesday, May 8, 2012


Here's another thought that I've been trying to wrap my brain around for the last couple of months:

God is not subject to time!

The implications of this are mind blowing to me. Maybe I'm just a little slower on the uptake than most, but to me this concept reveals so much.

  • Since God is not subject to time (after all, God is subject to nothing!) then He sees you in your entirety. Not just who you used to be and who you are at this moment, but He also sees you at the end of your life! Therefore, nothing you do is unexpected or even disappointing to God because He already sees past that action -- He already knows the you who came through that situation.
  • Being able to see you and the person you are at the end of your life even from the moment you are conceived -- this is how He can work out His will for your good; it's exactly how 'all things work together for my good.'
  • At some point in our lives, we all walk through something that we absolutely know can not be something that God willed for us -- I think often these are the times when we've made a poor choice and are having to deal with the repercussions, but rest assured that this was already seen and planned for; and sometimes we walk through things that we just don't understand, situations that are not a result of some poor choice we made -- it would be so much easier to deal with that situation if we could only see it from God's perspective ... if we could only see how many lives were brought closer to Him because of our walk during that time -- this is where faith comes in.
Have you ever thought about this before? What other profound implications should be considered about the timeless, never changing nature of the Great I Am?


  1. I wish I had more time right now to respond to this...alas my father-in-law is on the way over.
    A few things:
    -if you can find it, try reading the book Trustful Surrender to Divine Providence. It's short and easy but very deep.
    -Physics...time cannot exist without gravity. I believe that science will ultimately come closer and closer to actually proving the existence of God (rather than disproving), without ever actually achieving such a thing. The same way as you approach the speed of light the amount of energy necessary to accelerate increases to infinity, so one cannot (by our current understanding of physics) actually achieve light speed.
    -Take some of the biggest things in your life and work backwards, defining each moment that lead up to it. It's mind-boggling. I can trace my wonderful relationship with my wife backward through an almost endless series of steps and chance meetings that went back for years and years. The sheer number of people who had to meet each other in three different cities 300 miles apart, seemingly insignificant decisions that were made, and at just the right times, for us to finally meet...it literally scares me.

  2. I totally, totally agree with you on the whole science leading to God thing.

    I think that you and Ian should talk more. He's so interested in quantum physics and there are so few people out there with a real understanding of things like that ... I think that he'd really enjoy it! =)
