Saturday, May 12, 2012

The Battle Within: the Still Small Voice vs. the World

I think the hardest battle we fight is the battle within -- and that battle seems to be getting more and more complicated as time goes on, the older we get and the more 'connected' we become via TV, radio and interactive media.

Most people say that they are born with that "little voice" inside them that tells them basically what is right and what is wrong. But for many people, what they hear from that voice doesn't always match up with what they read in the Bible or what their pastor tells them. Why?

The first question should be, what is that voice and where is it coming from? Well, for the most part that voice is shaped by the things you bring into you (what you consume) -- it doesn't originate from within you. So whatever you spend your time consuming is what you're feeding that voice and we've all heard the cliche, "You are what you eat." 

Now, for the "Why?" Why is it that something you feel so deeply in the core of your inner being, what that little voice within you screams so loudly, is sometimes at odds with what you're told is God's will? Well, that's up to you to figure out! It is possible that what you're being told is God's will may be incorrect. Sure! There are false teachers and false prophets who profess to believe in and preach the God of the Bible running rampant throughout the world today. If something that you hear doesn't sound right to you -- look it up. Find out for yourself!

If you see a scripture quoted, go to that chapter and read the whole chapter to get the context of the scripture. If your Bible has textual footnotes read them because they often help you better understand the audience the scripture was originally intended for and what other events were going on at the time it was written. But I urge you to seek understanding with an open mind and the intention of finding the truth.

If you find that you just can't reconcile what you're reading in the Bible with your image of what a(n) _______ God would do or say, then consider that may be creating an internalized idea (image) of what God is to you based upon your beliefs, which up til now have been shaped only by what you've consumed. In short, you're filtering God through your very limited perspective and experience.

Is it possible that the little voice inside is really coming from God? Sure it is! And the way to find out if it's God or if it's just your own emotions is to compare what it's telling you against scripture. When God speaks to you, it always lines up with scripture. Always.

To truly know and understand God, you're going to have to read the Bible. In Romans 12, Paul tells us "Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect." You're going to need to renew your mind because, to be honest, we've all been conformed to this world. It would be nearly impossible to exist in this day and time and not be conformed to the world when we stay so connected to it through our TVs, radios, computers and phones.

Become like the Bereans -- examine the scripture for yourself and find out the truth.

Acts 17:11 Now the Bereans were of more noble character than the Thessalonians, for they received the message with great eagerness and examined the Scriptures every day to see if what Paul said was true.

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